July 25, 1864
Association for the Protection of Commercial Interests as respects Wrecked and Damaged PropertyLloyd’s, 25 July, 1864
Captain Lodge Dear Sir, “Golden Gate” I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 19th of June. There must be something seriously wrong in the Post. Two answers to your letter of the 8th March were sent from this office: and of the letter earlier certainly a duplicate was sent it is believed in the offices, but not mentioned in the next letter, that a duplicate of both was sent. Since receipt of that letter of yours of the 8th March letters have been posted for you, of the following dates: 12th & 28th May, 10th & 25th June duplicate of the last. Much of the 25th will accompany this letter: and for fear of mistakes, a duplicate also of this letter of the 10th. Margin note (from Lodge): I said that a duplicate of this had already been sent. The letters are all addressed to care of Messrs. Faulkner Bell & Co. In those letters the question of ___________ was referred to, especially in that of the 12th May. Sergeant Spittle has returned from Vienna. He found that this person who sent the intelligence here is a swindler: and the report a scheme to get money. I think now we have exhausted all methods of tracing this stolen gold. I think that not a mail has been missed in writing to you. Sorry for your long labour abroad and hope to see you safe here again soon. I am dear sir your obedt. servt.,
I.A.W. Harper
Revision: 11/1/2010