June 25, 1864
Association for the Protection of Commercial Interests as respects Wrecked and Damaged PropertyLloyd’s, 25th June 1864
Capt. Lodge Dear Sir “Golden Gate” I wrote you on the 10th June, and am since without your favours. I mentioned in that letter that the committee had been advised that some Jews of Newstadt / near Waag / in Hungary, were supposed to be melting large quantities of gold under suspicious circumstances. Since then the informant of the committee having expressed a very strong impression that the gold can be no other than a part of that stolen from the wreck of the above it has been decided that an investigation into the truth of these circumstances should be made. Sergeant Spittle of the detectives is now on his way to Vienna; and any report of importance that may be received from him, I will communicate to you in order that you may be kept informed of all that is doing on this side.
I am, Dear Sir, your obedt. servant, Signed Alfred Morris
Revision: 11/1/2010