May 1, 1863
Association for the Protection of Commercial Interests as respects Wrecked and Damaged PropertyLloyd’s, 1st May 1863
Captain F.W. Lodge Dear Sir, “Golden Gate” Your letters date 18th-20th & 22nd of March have within this last few days come to hand. I am glad to see that such a large quantity of the treasure has been recovered though from what you say I fear but a small portion of it will find its way to Europe. I find that the 2 boxes marked HI Co. 141/142 are insured by Lloyd’s and the bill of lading for the same has been sent to Hentch & Co., San Francisco, who are themselves underwriters on the above cases. I have not been able to get hold of any more bills of lading for you. I am, Dear Sir, your obedt. servt.
For I.A.W. Harper, secretary
Revision: 11/1/2010